Tuesday, August 19, 2008


SHIPUTZIM - part 3

My kablan (contractor) is back from his holiday in Italy - he had a wonderful time, thank you very much. He returned Saturday night and began working again on Sunday - yes, for those of you who don't live here in Israel, Sunday is a "regular" day - just like Monday in the rest of the civilized world.

While he was gone I managed to do lots of things - mainly getting out of the house every day to do my errands - going out to lunch - going out to dinner - and spending money like a madwoman.

I bought a new dining table - one that opens - easily - to fit eight or ten or twelve - well, maybe thirteen in a pinch (I'm not superstitious). My old table sat up to six people -- or twelve. If I wanted to feed seven people we either had to sit very close together - or very far apart.

So - then I had to buy new table cloths - with napkins to match camoovan (of course). I actually found a lovely shop right around the corner from my flat which makes cloths to measure - and oval ones, no less if that's what you want. (Do you have any idea just how difficult it is to find an oval tablecloth - even in America?) Now I have cloths to fit every size of my table - what joy.

I ordered white ones - white is easy. Now they're getting in beige samples for me to choose from - after all, how can I use a white cloth with ivory-colored dishes?

In the meantime, my cast of characters is growing. We have Itzik - who is from OURAN - the company which makes the units which supply heat and hot water. I need to leshadreg (upgrade) mine as there are now more efficient units on the market. Then we have Uzi - who manufactures profil belgi (don't even go there - it's a special kind of window and door) - who will make my new windows and doors. He is one of eight brothers - some of whom are in the business - a very large business - and as some of them look alike I can hardly tell them apart. They are all lovely and say that their mother doesn't mind having eight sons - no daughters - because she has eight lovely daughters-in-law - all different kinds - all different colors - meaning Ashkenazi and Sephardic - from all over the world.

Then there is Max who works on soregim (security bars). But not just any old ugly bars - beautiful bars which look quite elegant. Sad as it is to admit - we do have burglaries and robberies - and the insurance companies insist on soregim. Max is Orthodox - black velvet kippa (yarmulka or skull-cap) - and only eats and drinks Kosher. Although my house is Kosher it's apparently not Kosher enough because he only drinks coffee and water here. He won't eat any of my home-made cookies - while I sift my flour (OK) I don't set aside a bit of the dough for - whatever (not OK).

And for the moment there is Liran - who works with his uncle Avi - who is my kablan.

And so it goes.

Yalla, Bye.

better you than me...just thinking about it gives me a ke'ev rosh (head ache)...great post yahooooooooo
If I don't have a serious nervous breakdown by the time this is over - it will be a miracle. I am NEVER doing this again - but that's what I always say!!
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