Thursday, May 17, 2007



In Hebrew to "schvitz" means to brag - unlike in Yiddish where "schvitz" means to sweat. In any event - I'm "schvitzing" in Hebrew.

It's a long story - but "b'kitzur" (in short) - several weeks ago I was asked to write a guest column for the Thursday "Weekend" Magazine of the Jerusalem Post. What about? Need you ask? Food, of course.

I was asked to choose a theme - e.g. Quick Meals - Children's Menu - Party Time - but I chose my own theme - "Too Hot To Cook" - which was renamed "Cold Comfort". No problem with that - because my three recipes were published just as I wrote them - commentary and all. What a "kef" (fun) to see my name in print. My article had a whole page - how do you like that? In fact, I was so impressed with the menu I came up with that I'm using it as a basis for a Shabbat dinner I'm having in two weeks for friends from London and Ramat HaSharon.

Now - if the magazine will only hire me to write the restaurant reviews - that means I can dine out every day and not pay!!

Talking about eating out (nice segue wasn't it?) - I just realized that I ate in restaurants in five out of the last six days - not counting the various cafes where I drank coffee with friends. (It sounds as if all I do is eat - definitely not true - I also cook - shop - talk about food - write about food - sit on various Boards - do my charity work - well, O.K. - my life is mostly about food.)

Last night Roz (with a "Z"), her daughter Maya, friends of hers from New Zealand and I ate at "Tzachko" in the shuk. Again - a marvelous meal. And again - we ordered loads of dishes which we shared - the food is just too good to be restricted to only one or two dishes a person. Eli Mizrachi owns the restaurant which he named after his father - who father passed away just over a week ago. Roz, Maya and I were to meet her friends at the restaurant. She told them approximately where the restaurant is - told them how to get to the shuk - and also told them to ask for explicit directions when they got there.

Only in Israel. When they got to the shuk and asked for explicit directions - the answer was always preceeded by - "Do you know Eli's father died? Are you sure the restaurant is open?" Everyone knows everyone else's business - I actually like that. In fact, as were walking through the shuk to the restaurant , we passed the stall of "David HaDayag" (David the Fisherman) where I buy my fish. We greeted each other and he said to me "Go over to Yossi's (another son) stall and give them your condolences." Everyone is a Jewish mother here.

May the Mizrachi family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Yalla, Bye.

Not sure if my comments get through, but I so enjoy your writing style and learning about Israel. I enjoy the every day feel of your life. Thanks.
Wish I could see your article or at least the recipes!!
I'll be happy to email you some of my recipes if you want to send me your email address. I love sharing my rrecipes and cooking hints. Rena
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