Wednesday, January 24, 2007



In less than two weeks we'll be in India. Did I tell you that this year Myra and I are taking some women on a trip to India? Of course I did. Which is only one of the reasons why I've not written in a while - I've spent almost all of my time at the computer trying to organize this trip. In addition to other excitement in my life - like changing my television provider from HOT to YES - which is another long story for another day.

I think we've got it all organized and under control - I hope I hope I hope. We've got our tickets from El Al - that's another thing - there are no "real" tickets these days - only "virtual" tickets - a piece of paper that says that the person at the check-in desk will actually issue a ticket when I get there. No matter how many times I've done this I don't really believe that I'll be allowed to board the plane until I'm on the plane and buckled into my seat. And we have our visas. And our shots - tetanus - typhoid - hepatitus both A and B - and anti-malaria pills. And our travel insurance.

Why - you might very well ask - would we want to go to a country where such protection is necessary? Because it's a fascinating country and interesting and exotic and so different from our everyday life. Of course - there are those of my friends who think that I live in an exotic country. But to me Israel is just home - not exotic at all - it's simply the place I call home. Different? Sure. Difficult? Definitely. But home nevertheless.

Anyway - back to our trip. I have a "tik" (folder, file) of correspondence with which I could wallpaper a room. And thanks to email I haven't had to go to the post office once - it's all done electronically - with almost instant replies. What's the weather like now? Which hotels? Who are our guides? (After our several prioir trips we have our favorites) Are we going to see the Tiffin Wallas? What kind of car are we going to have? Can we go to Ranakpur again?

After my three previous trips I have a great relationship with our Indian travel agent - last year she came to Israel with her mother and grandmother and, of course, I invited them to dinner at my house - would you think otherwise? And over the years we have become friends. So this year we are all invited to dinner at her home in Delhi. AND - we have all been invited to the wedding of her colleague's daughter. I'll tell you all about it when I get back. I promise.

Oops - the morning news just came on. Have to go - our President will be asked to resign because of sexual misconduct. Must listen to the news.

Stay Safe.


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